
Trivia Winners

Septembers Winners
Robert Duncan 80% PJ Zaffer 80% David Laniweski 80% Anna Libman 100%
Marc T 100% YUVE 90% Robin Austin 90% shadow_dancer 100%
Aaron Greven 80% Ian Heigninger 80% joe ingafa 80%

Augusts Trivia Winners
Bill Wright 80% Robin 90% Bill Jensen 80% Alvaro Perez 75%
Andrew Yepello 75% Danny 85% Dave 80% Tim Frey 75%
Alvaro Perez 75% John Meloche 75% Matt DeVuono 80% Dan Greenberg 80%
mkays 75% Doug Staurt 85% Jim Margalus 80% Happy 75%
Mike Peruzzi 75% Evan Berofsky 75% Ross Hymel 80% Simpsonsfreak 85%
Mike Smart 90% Justin Pine 75% Fitz 85% Bill Wright 80%
Dan 80% Jeff Newman 90% Matt Shomoeckel 75% Brandon Pash 75%

November's Trivia Winners

Jamie Duncan Jonathan Dmitry Feldman Brent C.
Noah Elrod Emily Ursell and Liz Wanless Jack Marsh Jason Beltz
Matt Bird Ashlyn Peneycad Cheryline Daniel Lessard
Chico Matthew Smiley Kim
jeff Jeff Kernohan Aaron Young Josh Jenkins
Daniel Ryan Frerotto Maria Eric Sprinkle
Ruth Trevor Erb Tyler Walters Keara Kennedy
Alan Sybiraj Wu064 Andrew Antunovich Sandro Stortini
Brent Brede and Carter Allen Norm + JZK Erin Hayes
Lance Hayes Andy Eric Over Leslie
Audrey Reale Tommy The Great Andy Tseng Norris & Bigwig
Donald Heap Drew

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